Bacharach Inc.

Bacharach is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and service of advanced equipment for the measurement and detection of gases and liquids. The company's extensive product line includes instruments that detect, measure, and record combustion and environmental gases, temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, and other air quality and safety parameters. A full line of refrigerant recovery equipment for residential, industrial, and automotive applications further extends Bacharach's family of products.

MVR-300 Refrigerant Detector for Occupied Spaces

Designed to blend into any commercial décor, "invisible" to the Occupant. It enhances:
• Safety
• Compliance
• HVAC effectiveness
• Environmental protection
• Energy efficiency

Fyrite Gas Analysers

Fast, accurate and easy to use instruments for measuring and analyzing carbon dioxide and oxygen.

Typical applications:
0-7.6% CO2 - fruit, vegetable, meat storage rooms & incubator monitoring
0-7.6% O2 - oxygen test to check inertness of atmosphere in silos, fuel tanks, etc
0-20% CO2 - flue gas combustion and heat treating atmosphere tests
0-21% O2 - flue gas combustion, hydrogen cooled generators, oil sealed inert gas transformers
0-60% CO2 - inert gas blankets, lime kilns, sewage plant digesters
0-60% O2 - oxygen and gas anesthesiology


Combustible Gas Leak Detector
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  • Long life sensor
  • 30 hour battery life
  • Durable and rugged
  • 50 cm flexible probe
  • Eliminates bubble testing
  • Visual & audible click rate indicator
  • Pinpoint large and small leaks quickly
  • Recommended for Natural Gas, Methane, Propane, Hydrogen and other Combustible Gases and Vapors